This time we welcome Patrik Tigerschiöld to the armchair. Patrik has a long background in the financial industry, with previous assignments at Hagströmer & Qviberg Fund Commission, SEB and as CEO of Bure Equity. Today he has several board assignments, including chairman of Bure Equtiy, Mycronic and Cavotec.
Patrick Rosenwald: Group Chief Technical Officer: Patrik Tigerschiöld: Chairman of the Board: 3.17yrs: Cavotec SA, an engineering group, designs
Shareholders representing more than 40% of the votes support the above-mentioned proposals made by the Nomination Committee. Reference is made to the motivated Nomination Statement available on The Cavotec SA Nomination Committee can be contacted via ENDS Cavotec wins major orders for airports in China valued at EUR 3M Press releases • Mar 31, 2020 13:23 GMT. Cavotec has won two major ground support equipment (GSE) and fuelling orders – one for Chengdu Tianfu International Airport and the other for Beijing Capital International Airport – confirming the Group’s position as a leading supplier and systems integrator for the fast growing Patrik Tigerschiöld Befattning för person i ledande ställning Cavotec SA CH0136071542 Patrik Tigerschiöld, chairman of the board of Cavotec, comments: ”I would like to thank Roberto for his valuable contribution during the time that we have served together on the board, and I wish him every success”.
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Född: 1964. Utbildning: Civilekonom. Nuvarande befattning: Styrelseordförande i Bure Equity AB. Aktuella styrelseuppdrag: Ordförande i Cavotec SA och Mycronic AB. Ledamot i Fondbolaget Fondita och IVA. Cavotec Board members and Management team were also present, including Cavotec Group’s new Chairman Patrik Tigerschiöld, the Chairman of Sweden-based long-term industrial investor Bure Equity AB, which is Cavotec’s biggest shareholder. Cavotec SA is a Switzerland-based company active in four business segments: Ports and Maritime, Airports, Mining and Tunneling, and General Industry. Through the Ports and Maritime segment, it offers automated mooring equipment, shore-to-ship electrical systems and electrical transmission and control systems, such as collector columns, swivel joint units and cable reels.
Ordförande. Född 1964. Styrelseordförande sedan 2013 (även under perioden 2004-2009), Styrelseordförande i Cavotec SA, ägare i Cavotec med drygt 20 procent av aktierna.
Patrik Tigerschiöld har suttit i styrelsen i Bure sedan 2015. Nuvarande styrelseordförande Stefan Widegren står inte till förfogande till omval, skriver bolaget. Stefan Widegren äger cirka 5 miljoner aktier i Cavotec, motsvarande cirka 6,3 procent av kapital och röster, enligt ägardatatjänsten Holdings sammanställning.
Today he has several board assignments, including chairman of Bure Equtiy, Mycronic and Cavotec. Publiceringsdatum Utgivare Person i ledande ställning Befattning Närstående Karaktär Instrumentnamn ISIN Transaktionsdatum Volym Volymsenhet Pris Valuta 2020-08-13 · SvD Näringsliv - nyheter inom ekonomi och näringsliv, aktier och börs. Bevakning av internationella affärer och marknader. Motor- och IT-nyheter.
Cavotec SA - Nomination Committee announcement. Nomination Committee Statement 2017-PUBLIC20170222.pdf
Nuvarande styrelseordförande Stefan Widegren står inte till förfogande till omval, skriver bolaget. Stefan Widegren äger cirka 5 miljoner aktier i Cavotec, motsvarande cirka 6,3 procent av kapital och röster, enligt ägardatatjänsten Holdings sammanställning. Innehav i Bolaget: Patrik Tigerschiöld och närstående äger 70 000 aktier i ACQ Bure AB. Ej oberoende i förhållande till Bolaget och bolagsledningen, ej oberoende i förhållande till Bolagets större aktieägare. Patrik Tigerschiöld. Ordförande.
Inom koncernen återfinns ett brett utbud av lösningar för diverse affärsområden, inklusive marknaderna sjöfart, gruva, industri och flyg. Lösningarna innefattar exempelvis strömförsörjning av kranar, rälsar, kablar och kontrollsystem. Valberedning i Cavotec utsedd Patrik Tigerschiöld, styrelseordförande Nästa årsstämma för innevarande räkenskapsår kommer hållas den 27 maj. Patrik Tigerschiöld Styrelseordförande i Bure, Mycronic och Cavotec samt för Föreningen för God Sed på Värdepappersmarknaden. Ledamot i Kungl. Cavotec SA - Nomination Committee announcement According to Art. 13 of the current Articles of Association as well as according to Art. 3 of the Federal Ordinance on Excessive Compensation, the directors are elected each year to hold office until the following annual shareholders’ meeting. Cavotec SA - Nomination Committee announcement.
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Previous assignments (last five years): Member of the Board of Directors of Stockholm University and Mercuri International Group AB. Shareholding in the Company: Patrik Tigerschiöld and family holds 1,198,000 shares in the Company. Patrik Tigerschiöld har suttit i styrelsen i Bure sedan 2015. Nuvarande styrelseordförande Stefan Widegren står inte till förfogande till omval, skriver bolaget. Stefan Widegren äger cirka 5 miljoner aktier i Cavotec, motsvarande cirka 6,3 procent av kapital och röster, enligt ägardatatjänsten Holdings sammanställning. 2021-04-21 · Patrik Tigerschiöld, Fabio Cannavale, Niklas Edling, Annette Kumlien and Erik Lautmann stand for re-election, while Keith Svendsen is proposed for election.
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 07:00 CEST on 21 April 2021. Attachment.
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Patrik Tigerschiöld har köpt en halv miljon aktier i Cavotec där han är styrelseordförande. Köpet, som gjordes den 8 november, gjordes till pris 15:70 kronor per aktie och motsvarade en likvid på nästan 8 …
Generational Change –Patrik Tigerschiöld appointed Deputy Chairman in November 2016 Patrik Tigerschiöld is a Swedish businessperson who has been at the helm of 11 different companies. Presently, he occupies the position of Chairman for Bure Equity AB, Chairman of Atle Investment Cavotec SA ("the Company") today, May 13, 2020 held its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") in Lugano, Switzerland, chaired by Roberto Italia. Annual Report, Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2019, Report of the Statutory Auditors Please refer to the Company’s website for more information.
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Bure Equity, med ordförande Patrik Tigerschiöld, drar in en miljard i en i medicinteknikbolaget Vitrolife, verkstadskoncernen Cavotec och
CEO Mikael Norin and CFO Glenn Withers, together with select members of the Executive Management Team, gave an update on the company’s execution during the Corona pandemic and on future strategy and growth plans, including a strategy and market update on each segment by the respective Roberto Italia has been a board member of Cavotec since 2018.Patrik Tigerschiöld, chairman of the board of Cavotec, comments: ”I would like to thank Roberto for his valuable contribution during Patrick Rosenwald: Group Chief Technical Officer: Patrik Tigerschiöld: Chairman of the Board: 3.17yrs: Cavotec SA, an engineering group, designs The two biggest shareholders are Patrick Tigerschiöld and the Björkman family, with 10.4% and 8.2% of the equity (and votes). Performance: The performance has been weak since 2001, but that is mainly due to the crisis of 2000-2003 which hit Bure’s share price very hard: Cavotec wins major orders for airports in China valued at EUR 3M Press releases • Mar 31, 2020 13:23 GMT. Cavotec has won two major ground support equipment (GSE) and fuelling orders – one for Chengdu Tianfu International Airport and the other for Beijing Capital International Airport – confirming the Group’s position as a leading supplier and systems integrator for the fast growing Cavotec is organised into two divisions, Ports & Maritime and Airports & Industry. Norin said that a third division, Services, would be in place by the end of the year, to support the development of after-market business across the two production divisions. The head of the new division will be Patrick Baudin. Cavotec 115 Ottonel Popesco 53 michael scheepers 48 cavotec sa 32 ports 30 GSE 27 Automated mooring 25 Automation 24 OMX 20 Airports 17 mooring 13 cable reels 12 stefan widegren 11 container handling 11 MoorMaster 10 400Hz 10 2Q 9 engineering 8 diego fiorentini 8 Shore power 8 AMP 8 Juergen Strommer 8 Radio Remote Controls 7 förtöjningssystem Cavotec is launching a lightweight radio remote control unit specifically designed for frequent and extended use.
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9.9% of the total number of shares outstanding. Patrik is also a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Previous assignments (last five years): Member of the Board of Directors of Stockholm University and Mercuri International Group AB. Shareholding in the Company: Patrik Tigerschiöld and family holds 1,198,000 shares in the Company.
The registration in the Share Register may be requested at any time. Cavotec is organised into two divisions, Ports & Maritime and Airports & Industry. Norin said that a third division, Services, would be in place by the end of the year, to support the development of after-market business across the two production divisions.